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Envision a world  running entirely on renewable energy
Our Mission

We help people go solar, join together, and fight for their energy rights.

We envision a clean, equitable energy system 

We strive to create a solar movement that celebrates diverse viewpoints and life experiences.

Who We Are

Amped Solutions, Inc. specializes in California commercial solar and energy storage

Solar Panels


Amped Solutions leverages experts in the design, construction, financing, and operation of commercial and industrial solar and energy storage projects.

We own energy storage systems ourselves and are quite familiar with the changing regulatory, tax, operations, maintenance, and monitoring challenges of this asset class.

Working with world-class engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) firms, we can design, install, and maintain a photovoltaic and/or energy storage solution for your facilities to achieve maximum energy savings across your entire commercial real estate portfolio.

What We do

Our Projects

  • We design & build commercial solar and energy storage projects in California

  • Specialize in hotel sector but considering multi-family and senior housing

  • Finance, own, operate, and maintain our own project portfolio, but open to other arrangements

  • Partner with Customers Bank for tax equity and sale leasebacks

  • 25-year agreements with offtakers (solar panels last 25+ years)

  • Save on customer utility bills through reductions in demand charges as well as time-of-use shifting via batteries

We Offer a Range of Services to Meet Your Needs

About Our Company

Amped Solutions worked with a large multinational to design and install a 150kW/285kWh Tesla PowerPack energy storage system in San Diego that commenced operations in early 2018.  The project was challenging for several reasons.  First, the customer is the tenant (who pays the utility bill), but Amped needed to ensure it also met all the requirements of the building owner.  This entailed finding the right levels of insurance and legal contracts to satisfy both parties simultaneously.   Siting the batteries proved no easy feat as the logical place (i.e., utility room) was in the process of demolition due to a transformer upgrade.  Amped need to work closely with the building owner, SDG&E, and electricians to minimize disruption to the business.  On the software/controls side of the equation, Amped managed subcontractors to run conduit and fiber-to-ethernet adapters throughout the ceiling of the warehouse to reach the server room thus establishing a dedicated Ethernet connection between the site controller (Geli Node) and the batteries.  Once the equipment was on site, Amped obtained permission to operate (PTO) in under three months.  The project is now fully operational and running Geli’s demand charge management (DCM) algorithms to save the customer on its utility bills. 


Year of Establishment


Projects Completed


KW Solar Installed


KWh Batteries Installed


Amped Solutions’ Founder and CEO

We believe each client is a long term partnership

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Reliable & Trustworthy

Professional & Experienced

Copyright © 2022 Amped Solutions, Inc. | 38 Miller Ave. Suite 11 | Mill Valley, CA 94941


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